Psychotherapy Today

Managing Stress and Anxiety

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Stress Disorder

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too familiar companions for many of us. The demands of work, relationships, and daily life can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. However, the good news is that there are effective strategies for managing these challenges. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore tips and techniques for everyday stress and anxiety management. Whether you’re looking to find relief from occasional stress or seeking long-term strategies for anxiety, this article will provide you with the tools you need to regain control and find calm in the chaos. read more

Psychotherapy Today

How Anxiety Disorders Affect Your Daily Life

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At times, we all experience feelings of anxiety, worry, or fear; but when these sensations become overwhelming and pervasive, they can severely disrupt everyday life. How to conquer Anxiety Disorders: Step one is visiting your GP. They will assess your symptoms and conduct a physical examination, while also offering psychotherapy or medication options if appropriate.


Many of us experience fear and anxiety during certain situations; this is usually temporary and resolves as soon as the event ends. If however, your anxiety persists beyond this temporary period, this could indicate an anxiety disorder. read more

Psychotherapy Today

What Can Anxiety Counseling Do For You?

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If anxiety symptoms are negatively impacting your life and health, seeking assistance could be the key. Professional therapists can teach effective coping mechanisms and strengthen your ability to manage it effectively.

Kuhn often works with clients to identify what they can and cannot control, using an exercise where she draws a circle and asks clients to place all things they have control over in its center.

Licensed therapists can help you understand your anxiety

Anxiety counseling can provide individuals with tools to understand and overcome anxiety symptoms, including negative thought patterns and approaching situations that trigger them. Therapists can also offer practical advice like getting enough restful sleep and regular physical exercise as well as forgoing unhealthy coping mechanisms. read more

Psychotherapy Today

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps individuals recognize unproductive emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to learn how to alter them in order to feel better overall.

CBT is an interactive process in which you and your therapist collaborate closely, often receiving assignments between sessions to reinforce and apply what you’ve learned.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – It focuses on your thoughts

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) addresses how thoughts contribute to feelings of emotional distress and change dysfunctional thought patterns. Therapists help their clients recognize when their thinking distorts a situation – for instance when overgeneralizing or making negative assumptions; additionally, they teach clients how to identify “autonomic negative thoughts,” which contribute to emotional turmoil. read more

Psychotherapy Today

What Is the MMPI Test?

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Mmpi Test

Mmpi Tests

Clinicians commonly utilize the MMPI test to help assess individuals’ mental health conditions. It contains built-in scales derived from field research findings. Furthermore, it can be applied in many situations such as criminal pretrial evaluations and personnel selection processes.

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, commonly referred to as MMPI has been licensed for use since its creation by the University of Minnesota in 1979 and used extensively both therapeutically and for use in child custody disputes and substance abuse programs. read more

Psychotherapy Today

Strengths of a Counselor

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Counseling is an in-person talk therapy where clients can discuss their problems directly with a trained Counselor. Counselors encourage clients to discuss each issue thoroughly in order to identify its source, thus alleviating emotional discomfort.

Finding a therapist you feel comfortable with is essential, so during the initial session you should ask about their training and background.

A Counselor Should Express Empathy

Empathy is an invaluable tool for cultivating positive relationships, both personally and professionally. It enables us to understand and feel others’ emotions while motivating prosocial behaviors like giving to charity or encouraging your friend to seek alcohol abuse assistance. Furthermore, empathy also enables you to recognize and regulate your own emotions; for instance, surgeons need to manage their emotions while operating on patients. read more

Psychotherapy Today

Low Self Esteem

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Low Self Esteem

Low Self Esteem

Pleasing others can lead those with low self esteem to neglect their own needs and desires, and can act as a protective shield from being exposed or criticized.

Feeling nervous or fearful from time to time is completely natural; however, when these feelings persist over an extended period, they could be indicative of low self-esteem and require professional intervention. Therapists offer tips for combatting such negative thinking.

1. Realize You’re Not Alone When Facing Low Self Esteem

Even those with seemingly flourishing lives often struggle with low self esteem. Low self esteem can stem from various sources, including childhood trauma, insufficient positive reinforcement within primary caregiver relationships, academic challenges without sufficient caregiver support and negative beliefs about themselves and others, along with chronic stress. read more

Psychotherapy Today

What Does a Psychotherapist Do?

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A Psychotherapist session may take place in an office, clinic, hospital, or even within your own home via video therapy. While short-term solutions (typically lasting a few weeks or months) may suffice for immediate challenges, more complex issues may take longer.

When selecting a therapist, be sure to inquire about qualifications such as education, training and licensure as well as costs involved.

Psychotherapist Qualifications

Counselors and psychotherapists generally need at least a bachelor’s degree to qualify as counselors or psychotherapists, although some choose to earn their master’s in counseling or psychology before seeking certification; others pursue doctorates which typically takes two to five years for completion. read more

Psychotherapy Today

Psychology – Anxiety

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Anxiety is something that many people experience, but it can feel overwhelming and scary. It’s important to know that you’re not alone, and there are ways to cope with anxiety and get support. In this blog post, we’ll shed light on anxiety disorders, their symptoms, and effective coping techniques. Remember, seeking help from a Calgary Psychologist and support is a brave step towards managing anxiety and living a happier life.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about something that might happen in the future. It’s a normal emotion, but for some people, anxiety can become intense and difficult to control. When anxiety starts to interfere with daily life, it might be called an anxiety disorder. read more